Sunday 16 December 2012

Christmas Messages from the Grand Magistry

Christmas Message from the Grand Master
Christmas Greetings from the Spiritual Protector
The Grand Master's Tribute to Earl Ferrers, quondam Grand Prior of England

Tuesday 27 November 2012

Christmas Carol Service Thursday 6th December

The Annual Carol Service of the Order will take place on Thursday 6th December at 6.30pm in Good Shepherd Church, Murrayfield, Edinburgh. Afterwards seasonal refreshments will be served in the Hall.

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Thanksgiving Service, Ayr. Sunday 7th October 2012

The Order is invited to join the congregation at a Thanksgiving Service in the United Free Church, Kirkholm Avenue, Ayr, KA8 8LY on Sunday 7th October 2012 at 10.30 a.m. The service will be followed by lunch at the nearby Carlton Hotel, 187 Ayr Rd., Prestwick, KA9 1TP.

Monday 3 September 2012

Visit to Nunraw Abbey, Saturday October 13th 2012

A visit to Sancta Maria Abbey, Nunraw, Garvald, Haddington, East Lothian, EH41 8LY. We will meet for lunch first at 12 noon in the Avenue Restaurant, Victoria Inn, 9 Court Street, Haddington, EH41 3JD. Thereafter we will drive to the Abbey (five miles away) at 2.15 p.m. Please let the Senior Chaplain know of your attendance by October 8th as he has to book lunch.

Conversazione - Friday 19th October

There will be a Conversazione in the Scottish Arts Club, 24 Rutland Square (behind the North British Hotel).on Friday 19th October at All welcome. Tickets price £12 are available from the Receiver General and can be ordered HERE.

Halloween Burns Supper, Grangemouth Saturday 27th October 2012

Our main fund-raising event of the year is the Halloween Burns Supper, on Saturday 27th October 2012 at the Leapark Hotel, 130 Bo'ness Road, Grangemouth, Falkirk FK3 9BX. The evening will start at 7 for 7.30 p.m. Tickets priced £35 can be ordered from the Social Committee HERE.

Sunday 2 September 2012

Dalriada Dinner - Friday 2nd November 2012

The Dalriada Commandery Dinner will take place in the Millennium Hotel, George Square, Glasgow (adjoining Queen St Station) on Friday 2nd November 2012 at 7 p.m. Places, at £25 per head, should be booked with the Receiver General. The guest speaker will be Chev Professor Jim Floyd who will speak on "Amber - tears of the Gods".

Saturday 4 August 2012

Chev Douglas Gair's Funeral arrangements

Chev Douglas Gair's funeral will take place on Wednesday, 8th August 2012, in the Falkirk Crematorium, at 11.30am.
The order of dress will be a dark suit (or dress for the ladies) and church cloak, if you possess, one, but no insignia.

Thursday 2 August 2012

H.E. Chev. Douglas Gair R.I.P.

We are sad to announce the death early this morning of H.E. The Chevalier Douglas G. Gair of Champfleurie, GCLJ, GCMLJ. Funeral arrangements to follow.

Wednesday 18 July 2012

Grand Baillie installed

The new Grand Baillie, Colonel John Kelly, was installed on Saturday 16th June 2012 at Paisley Abbey, in the presence of the Grand Chancellor of the Order. a full account of the occasion appears in the Paisley Express.

Thursday 14 June 2012

Kevelaer Pilgrimage - Pentecost 2012

We await a full account from our correspondents on the Kevelaer Pilgrimage but we do have one snap from other sources:

Tuesday 5 June 2012

Dame Jane Bee creates another triumph

The Grangemouth event on May 18th was another spectacular success for Dame Jane Bee and her family, raising, once the Bank had matched its total, more than £6000 for the Parkinson's Society. Here is Jane with the Provost.

Monday 7 May 2012

Annual Investiture 2012

The Annual Investiture of the Grand Bailiwick will take place in Paisley Abbey, one of the most ancient and historic churches in Britain, on Saturday 16th June, assembling at 10.30 a.m.
Tickets for the lunch in the Watermill Hotel can be booked with the Receiver General in the usual way.

Sunday 29 April 2012

Dalriada AGM

You are reminded that the Dalriada Commandery Annual General Meeting takes place on Monday 30th April at 7.15 p.m. in St Aloysius' College Mount Building, at the corner of Buccleuch St and Scott St (G3 6RJ).
Parking will be available directly across the road.

Dalriada AGM Monday 30th April 2012

You are reminded that the Dalriada AGM takes place on Monday 30th April 2012 at 7.15 p.m. in St Aloysius' College, Mount Building, at the corner of Scott Street and Buccleuch Street. (G3 6RJ).
Parking is available directly across the road.

Friday 30 March 2012

Travel Night - Friday April 27th

Unfortunately, the Travel Night due to take place on Friday April 27th has been cancelled.

Thursday 2 February 2012

Perth Luncheon

Sunday 11th March: A luncheon will be held at 1.00pm, in the Royal George Hotel, Perth. Chev Johannes Mühllechner and his three colleagues from Austria will be present. The cost of the meal will be £20 per person.

Holy Week Service

Wednesday, 4th April: The Holy Week Service will be held in Greenside Parish Church, Royal Terrace, Edinburgh, starting promptly at 7.00pm and will be followed by supper in the Royal Terrace Hotel, at a cost of £20 per person. It is proposed to invite to this occasion the people who were to receive the cheques for charities after the Christmas Carol Service (which had to be cancelled because of the inclement weather,) to say a few words about the charities they represent. The order of dress is church cloaks and no insignia.

Hospitaller's Committee Meeting: April 17th

Tuesday 17th April: The Hospitaller’s Committee Meeting will be held in the Kingsknowe Hotel. Galashiels at midday.

Hospitaller's Committee Meeting: April 17th

Tuesday 17th April: The Hospitaller’s Committee Meeting will be held in the Kingsknowe Hotel. Galashiels at midday.

Charity Dinner - Friday 18th May 2012

Friday, 18th May: A black tie dinner will be held in the Leapark Hotel, Bo’ness Road, Grangemouth, FK3 9BX, at a cost of £35 per person. All the profits from this function will be donated to Parkinson’s Disease Research. For people attending this function, a B&B rate of £80 per couple, or a single rate of £56 will be available.

Sunday 29 January 2012

Donation to Lamu Hospital

One of the charities we supported this year was the King Fahd Memorial Hospital at Lamu, in Kenya. Two of our Officers, Viviana and Liam Devlin, visited it in July 2011, having taken small planes from Nairobi to Malindi and then Lamu, on the Indian Ocean.

Sadly, the invasion of Lamu by Somalian pirates in the Autumn has given Lamu an unwanted notoriety but the combination of heroic medical intervention and extreme poverty of resources still goes on and the hospital's Maternity Unit is enormously grateful for the two large pieces of equipment for resuscitating babies with which the Order has now provided it.